Sixty bucks for some nylon and velcro? I know, it sounds absurd. But as the saying goes (and my husband loves to remind me), sometimes you get what you pay for. Here's why the IPR Fitness Glute Kickback is worth the hefty price tag.
I first stumbled upon the IPR Fitness Glute Kickback when I fell into an Amazon hole. I blame IGer Tawnia Justice-Duermit for this one: after posting a workout performed on a magical-looking contraption called the Glute Force One, I immediately sought to find one. Much to my dismay, the Glute Force One retails for a cost-prohibitive $2499. decimal there.
Behold, the Glute Force One. Sigh...a girl can dream.
Luckily Amazon recommended some more wallet-friendly choices to support my glute-building endeavors, including the IPR Fitness Glute Kickback. If you've seen my post on the Husky strap, you know that I'm a big fan of performing straight-leg kickbacks, donkey kicks, and abduction moves on the cable machine. Word on the street is that this product is superior to other foot straps for all of the above.
Why I LOVE it:
1. Made In the Good Ol' USA.
2. Reduces stress on ankle and increases glute activation.
3. High quality construction and durability.
Evidence that America is already great: we're churning these babies out.
A pair of the women's IPR Fitness Glute Kickbacks will set you back $59.95. I recommend going this route as opposed to spending $34.95 on a single strap because:
1. You'll save yourself a significant amount of time not having to deal with switching from one leg to the other between sets.
2. The pair is foot specific: one fastens to the left, the other to the right. Call me crazy, but I appreciate symmetrical security.
The IPR Fitness Glute Kickbacks, worn by someone performing glute kickbacks. Photo: IPR.
As always, my product reviews are completely non-sponsored and opinions are my own. My main criticisms of the IPR Fitness Glute Kickback are:
1. The packaging. My straps arrived in a clear plastic bag along with a branded magnet. I carry these to the gym in a mesh bag that formerly housed my Nike Studio Wrap Pack. Wouldn't it be cool if IPR included a nice little branded drawstring bag with purchase? I've noticed fellow gym-goers eyeing my straps, and since I work out in resting bitch face while blasting Gladys Knight through my headphones, I can pretty much guarantee no one is going to ask me about them.
2. Attachment isn't made of stainless steel. This hasn't posed a problem thus far, but at this price point, a metal harness would be reasonable.
3. Awkward during abduction exercises. Now, granted, these are called the IPR Fitness Glute Kickbacks, and IPR does indeed sell an actual ankle cuff that may be better suited for these movements. Just letting you know: don't expect this to be an all-purpose cable attachment for lower body work.
Overall, I absolutely LOVE the IPR Fitness Glute Kickback. And for the price of a pair of yoga pants, they're worth your while. Get yours here.
Enjoy the gym, enjoy your life!