Banana Pumpkin Pie Oats

Eggs and greens are always part of my breakfast.  So when it comes to “dressing” my other morning staple, I tend to favor sweet over savory.  Pumpkin pie spice, a sprinkle of demerara sugar and a few seconds with my new favorite kitchen tool transform old-fashioned oats into a whole new treat.   Packed with fiber, healthy fat, potassium and Vitamin A, it’s a great way to start the day.

Special equipment: kitchen torch 


½ c. Old-Fashioned Oats
½ tsp. pumpkin pie spice
2 T. natural peanut butter or almond butter
¼ c. canned pumpkin (NOT pumpkin pie filling – look for 100% pumpkin)
half of one medium banana, cut lengthwise
½ tsp. demerara sugar


Cook oats according to label directions.  When cooked to desired texture, stir in pumpkin pie spice.  Transfer to bowl.

Top oats with peanut butter and pumpkin.

Sprinkle sugar over banana.  Direct flame of kitchen torch over sugar, working in small circles until caramelized.  Add banana to oatmeal.
