Nicole Rodriguez

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On My Way To A Happy Life

Most of the books in my daughter's library are time-tested classics.  Corduroy, Where The Wild Things Are, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, and of course, Goodnight Moon are some of her (and my!) favorites.  If it was written after 1975, I'm not too interested.  

My dear Aunt Denise is a librarian, a scholar, and a deeply spiritual person.  We don't see each other often enough but she KNOWS me.  So when she gifts me and my daughter with books, I read them immediately - EVEN if they were penned in the 2000s.  

Now, if you told me before giving birth that I'd be reading Deepak Chopra on a daily basis, I'd tell you to take an aspirin and call me in the morning.  But lo and behold, I've been doing just that - for my own benefit as much as hers.  

On My Way To A Happy Life is based on Chopra's 7 spiritual laws of the universe.  I knew nothing of him prior to picking up this book except that he wore some pretty snazzy glasses, so I was unaware of these principles.  In this book, each gets a small chapter, beginning with Anything Is Possible.  A nice thought, no?  In fact every chapter is centered around something that we all need to hear once in a while - giving what you want to get, karma, creating peace, growing what you want, being open to life, and trusting your place in the world.  The illustrations are as beautiful as the words they accompany.

My husband and I love this book so much, we gave it to every one of our nieces and nephews for Christmas.  All twelve of them.  Get yours at Amazon.